Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I must confess I have done precious little knitting the past couple years.  I worked on the sweater of doom while I was on the JoCoCruiseCrazy cruise Jan 2011.  I think I got a dozen rows done.  Then I came home to a new house and the family got back here and all went to crazy.

I did, however, on a recent trip to my MIL's house, finish a cross stitch of Tigger that I'd purchased on my first trip to London circa 1997.  I had bought it for my baby nephew.  He has a drivers license now.  So I gave it to my newer nephew, born end of December 2011.  Except that his daddy commandeered it for his desk at his new job.  But that's fine with me.

I keep pondering going to the Stitch Niche and getting a new cross stitch to work on, but have resisted, since I still have the needlepoint bunnies I've been working on since I worked for Luminant, which no longer exists.  (I know that was when I got the project because the USPS priority mail envelope that the project lives in is addressed to me at the former Luminant office.  This would have been in 2000.) 

So what have I been doing instead?  Tae Kwon Do, Stargate, and Star Wars: The Old Republic.  Oh, and parenting.  Not necessarily in that order.

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